Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Baptism Debate Essay - 3011 Words

LIBERTY UNIVERSITY THE BAPTISM DEBATE A RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED TO PROFESSOR MARSHALL WICKS, PHD IN COMPLETION OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THEO 350-B02 BY RANDY WILSON LYNCHBURG, VA MAY 28, 2011 Introduction The debate over baptism has become one that encompasses so many areas. Where most theological discussions are concerned with a primary topic, baptism debates consist of many. Debates on the purpose of baptism, the benefits of baptism, who baptism was designed for, and what is the biblical mode of baptism are just some. These areas will be discussed here in this paper. It will be discussed (1) the purpose and benefits, if any, of baptism, (2) was baptism designed for infants or just those who have believed†¦show more content†¦This refers back to Gregory’s comment â€Å"water is just water.† If a person is just performing a ritual then all they are getting is a religious bath. This point is much more difficult to defend. However, when a verse contains salvation and baptism in the same line it does create nostalgia about performing a ritual for salvation. â€Å"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be co ndemned.† (Mark 16:16) Where as when salvation is granted and the person not being baptized, such as the criminal on the cross gives a very different feel. â€Å"And he said to him, ‘Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.’† (Luke 23:43) The rite of baptism, in this sense, gives one a great deal of benefits. A person will receive salvation, new birth (regeneration), the Holy Spirit, remission of sins, sanctified, set apart, etc. The list could go on. However, it seems all those benefits should come with faith in Christ and if they do, why is baptism necessary for salvation. If baptism is necessary then sacramentalism should be more important that evangelism. This would shift salvation from a â€Å"personal relationship in Jesus to a proper relationship with the church.† The words of Paul should never be forgotten, â€Å"For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel.† (1 Cor. 1:17) Lutzer admits, â€Å"†¦ if baptism was necessary for salvation, Paul would have made sure that all who believed were baptized.† There is no needShow MoreRelatedThe Baptism Debate2175 Words   |  9 PagesOften held as a rite of passage and entrance into the Christian church, baptism is much more than just symbolic ritual. Baptism was commanded by Jesus Christ in the Great Commission recounted in the book of Matthew. Even though we are simplistically called to be obedient by being baptized the Christian church has long debated the aspects of this ordinance. Denominations are divided on the basic meaning, types and modes of baptism even two thousand years after the founding of the Christian church.Read MoreIntroduction. Historically, Baptism Has Not Been Understood1659 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Historically, baptism has not been understood to be an optional practice. It is commanded by God. But there has often been disagreement about whom baptism is for, how it should be done, and why it is significant. This debate has divided Christians over the years, and it is mainly focused on what the purpose and merits of Baptism are; of whether baptism should be only for adults or infants as well; or on the correct mode of baptism. As any debate, there are two sides to each area. WeRead MoreIs Baptism Essential For Salvation?949 Words   |  4 PagesFor centuries, Christian believers have debated the importance of baptism to the believer’s faith. Denominational splits have occurred, debates have been presented, but the question still remains, ‘Is baptism essential for salvation?’ Today, as the Churches of Christ have started a shift away from the formerly held traditional practices of their founders, the debate has reached a new level of importance. To the beli ever, this question is not simply one which only affects present understanding, butRead MoreThe Holy Spirit Of St. Basil1292 Words   |  6 PagesThe Holy Spirit has been a topic of discovery, and debate far much longer than people realize. The Holy Spirit has been influencing people in the Bible, but also in the 4th century. The Holy Spirit like today was a topic of debate even in the 4th century. St. Basil the Great was a man of God who wrestled, defended, and lived by the Holy Spirit. 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As discussed in class, several were performed near the persons’ time of death in order to guarantee a cleansing of sins and thus a pathway to heaven. Throughout my research I found nothing about Ambrose baptizing infants, therefore I would assume he does not believe strongly in original sin. According to Wills after the baptism, â€Å"Ambrose washes each neophyte’s feet.† (WillsRead MoreQuestions on Christianity Theology1408 Words   |  6 Pagesto wrestle with. The topics I have trouble fully understanding are the views of baptism, the elect, security of salvation, and the roles of women in the church. The first topic I have wrestled with is adult baptism versus infant baptism. I grew up in the reformed church, so I was baptized as an infant. When I was in fourth grade my family began attending a Wesleyan church, where they practice adult baptisms. Baptism involves identification with Christ in His death and resurrection. It is a publicRead MoreMartin Luther And The Protestant Reformation1655 Words   |  7 Pagesman. Luther noted in his Address to the Christian Nobility of German Nation that he was opposed to the idea that only the papacy is competent to expound Scripture (Spitz 338). During the Leipzig debate Luther pointed out that the popes and councils had often contradicted one another (Spitz 337). The debate led to increased radicalization and caused Luther to question fundamental points of the Church and institutions. Eventually Luther declared at the Diet of Worms that he could not trust the papacy’sRead MoreWhite People At The Beginning Of The 17th Century997 Wor ds   |  4 PagesBlacks, Indians, and other races separate from white people begs the question: What part of human nature incudes a definition of race and a separation based on race? Human race is a debate that shows no sign of being resolved. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of Fritz Lang s Metropolis And The Garden...

There is a lot to be said about Fritz Lang’s Metropolis, as it has many overlapping themes. There is the theme of humans becoming as replaceable as machines. It has a theme of class division which leads to a Marxist type revolution. The theme I want to focus on in this paper however, is the religious themes and symbolism that are prevalent throughout the film, as I feel they are the most prominent. Metropolis makes a lot of calls to Judeo-Christian religions and biblical stories, using its storytelling method, characterization, and visuals. The story begins with the main character, Freder, in a lush garden surrounded by a harem of beautiful and scantily clad women. This scene was likened to the Garden of Eden by Jerold J. Abrams in The†¦show more content†¦He stands with his arms spread out as he looks up to the sky and pleas to his father to take him out of his misery (â€Å"Father! Will ten hours never end?†) (163-4). Freder and Maria--the two â€Å"angelic† figures in the movie--also appear to be the only ones who recognize the workers as people and not parts, and they go about treating them as such. Rutsky also suggests that Freder being a metaphorical Christ in the world of the film, may have a lot to do with the film’s controversial ending--but I will talk about that in a moment. Meanwhile, Freder’s father is the owner of the city and the one who oversees everything that goes on. He makes attempts to â€Å"play God† by changing conditions and controlling everything that happens in the city. Both Abrams and Kang point out that Joh--the father’s name--bears resemblance to â€Å"Jehovah.† (Though Joh does not represent Christ in the world of the film.) Even the tower that he sits in is called the New Tower of Babel. During the catacomb scene where Maria is teaching about the old Tower of Babel, which was destroyed by God and thus dividing people by language barriers. The New Tower of Babel represents a new form of division (working class vs. high class), and foreshadows its eventual downfall (Abrams 167). Maria is eventually kidnapped and her face is used for a robot being commissioned by Joh as a way to dominate the workers who are planning an uprising. Maria’s doppelganger takes on the biblical role of the â€Å"whore of

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Edan Se-12 Express Ecg Model

Question: How to disassemble and reassemble and explain the components inside the assembly. Answer: An Electrocardiogram mainly consists of several electronic and electrical components such as lead electrodes, connecting wires, amplifiers and storage transmission devices. Edans SE-12 Express 12 channel ECG is a particular model that is extensively used in various health care facilities of the world. A description of the components of the device assembly is given as follows: ECG Leads The electrodes that are used in the SE-12 Express model are mainly classified into two main types, unipolar and bipolar. The bipolar leads are used to measure and record the differential voltage between a subjects wrists and legs. The bipolar electrodes are placed on the patients left leg, right wrist and the left wrist, thereby forming a triangular conduction pattern of the electrical impulses emanating from the heart, which are then recorded. Unipolar electrode leads, on the other hand, enable recording of the voltage difference between a particular reference electrode and the surface of the patients body to which the leads are connected or attached. Unipolar electrodes are connected to the right left arms and to the right left hands; moreover, the leads are also placed on certain specified areas of the patients chest. The ECG monitor is then used to view the patterns of the patients heart activity note any change in the heart activities. Amplifiers The amplifiers used in the model convert the weak electrical signal emanating from the human body and amplifies its magnitude so as to obtain a verifiable signal, which can be regulated, conditioned thus, can be read on the monitor. The differential amplifier used helps in amplifying the relative difference between the reference signal the low level signals obtained. The buffer amplifier is the first component of the ECG to which the input signals are transferred. The signal is received and then stabilized. Amplification of the input signal on a multiplier range of 5 to 10 is then done. The electrical network then converts the analog signal to its digital counterpart. The differential pre-amplifier in the device then conditions the signal by filtering and again amplifying the signal by a factor of 10 to 100. (, 2016) Output Sections The SE-12 electrocardiogram typically shows output on a liquid crystal display monitor and on paper strip recorders. Computers and cathode ray oscilloscopes can also be interfaced with the device to observe and store data on various mediums. The data that is observed is almost always in a digital format and thus, the machine has several built-in analog to digital digital to analog converter sections. The display device that is used in the model itself has certain microprocessors and dedicated electronic parts which help in properly creating displaying the cardiograph waveforms on the display monitor. (, 2016) Disassembly Reassembly Every part of the model can be replaced with file replaceable units and similar service parts and must be done by qualified personnel. A proper workflow chart must be followed in order to properly correctly disassemble and reassemble the ECG device. Module Frame Disassembly The module frame release knob is pressed and the frame itself is turned by ninety degrees in order to make the module frame face right. The two snaps on the top of the front cover are then released. The four snaps on the inner part of the E-module slot are then released; the topmost two snaps are first released and then the lower two snaps are released. Finally, the cover unit is detached. Recorder unit detachment is done after detaching the module frame front cover. The screws holding the recorder are unscrewed, ensuring no damage is done to the flex board on the recorders right. The recorder is then removed from the module frame. During reassembling, the recorder unit must be wholly installed into the module frame. The PDM docking mechanism is then detached after properly removing of the module frame again; the inner left two latches are first released and then the mechanism itself is turned by thirty degrees so as to detach it from the board connector. Reassembling is done by reversing the steps of disassembling. The module frame cover unit is then removed after the removal of the PDM docking mechanism by releasing the two adjoining snaps of the inside of the frame cover of the module followed by the detachment of the cover. Reassembling is done in the reverse order The E-module interface board is disassembled only after the removal of all the above parts. The back plate of the device is removed with a flat blade screwdriver. The hinge flex board is disconnected from its connections with the module frames and then the screws of the e-module interface board are removed followed by removal of the board from the main unit. Reassembling of this component is done obviously in the reverse manner. (, 2016) Finally, the whole module frame is removed by detaching its whole back plate and the hinge flex board from their respective frame connectors. Screws are removed and the snap behind the flex cable is released. The flap is lifted and the assembly is removed from the wall of the module frame. Main Unit Disassembly The main fuses are first replaced by pulling them out of the fuse holder. The interface board plate is then detached from the frame; the actual board is then pulled out of the main unit. The right house frame housing is then removed by releasing its snaps and then the left frame housing is similarly removed. The top cover is then removed by pressing on the module frame release know and turning the frame by 90 deg. The tap cover is then detached by releasing its corresponding snaps. After disassembling all the above components, the main unit is separated in to the rear front units. After this, the uDOM is detached, followed by detachment of the DC/DC board by detaching the battery cables and disconnecting the DC/DC board from the CPU board connector. During reassembling, the CPU board is assembled first, then the battery cable is connected and then the DC/DC board is attached. (, 2016) Front Unit Disassembly The front assembly is detached after removing the side house decorations and the top cover. The WLAN card is then removed from the CPU and then the front unit is removed. The U/I cable is also disconnected from the user interface board. The reassembling of the parts is done in the reverse order. The LCD unit is disassembled after the removal of the front unit assembly followed by disconnection of the display cables and then the disconnection of the two backlight cables from the inverter board. Reassembling is done in the reverse order. Te backlight inverter board is then detached after removal of the side housings, top covers, WLAN card, font unit assembly and LCD unit. The inverter cable is then removed from eth backlight board and then the board is unscrewed. The steps are to be reversed during the reassembling process. (Edanusa SE-12 Series Electrocardiograph User Manual, 2011) Next up the user interface board is removed. The screws are detached and the various cables connected to it are removed one by one. The trim knob is simultaneously removed by removing it from the front and detaching the nut washer. The encoder cable of the trim knob is then detached from the user interface board and then the encoder itself is removed from the front unit. Reassembling is done in the reverse manner. References (2016).Edan Instruments, Inc.. Edanusa SE-12 Series Electrocardiograph User Manual. (2011). 1st ed. Edan Instruments, INC. 2011. (2016).EDAN USA :: Expanding Edan Medical Equipment Distribution into the USA :: Edan Instruments, Inc. :: EKG/ECG Resting Machines, Fetal Monitors, Ultrasound Machines, Dopplers, Pulse Oximeters, Veterinary Equipment.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Rising Importance of Cross Communication -

Question: Discuss about the Rising Importance ofCross Communication. Answer: Why is cross cultural communication (CCC) a business issue? Cross-cultural communication is considered as the big business issue because it restricts the effective communication flow between the employees of the companies. This is because the employees at different branch of the businesses may have different cultural background and thus they find it difficult to deal with each other. Especially in the case of high context, similar words have different meaning and can be perceived differently by the people thus the managers that need to be conveyed may leads to different meaning for people with different cultural background. This makes the business communication very ineffective. There are many barriers for cross cultural communication and it can be found in different aspects of the business such as in the management style, between the management and the employees, between the company and the customers etc. internal communication becomes very difficult in the companies that operates in different countries having high context cross cultural bas is. Most of the companies which do not have the capability to conduct cross cultural communication effectively face the business issues as they cannot be able to focus on the core activities of the business and have to make efforts in making the communication strong (Padhi, 2016). Why is CCC an ethics issue? How would an understanding of ethics assist a professional to communicate effectively with people from other cultures? Culture and ethics are very much linked with each other. The culture of the country affects the behavior of the managers in the company. Different groups in the society have different values, beliefs and ethics thus, it is very difficult for the companies to communicate effectively with each and every culture and cross cultural communication become the issue of ethics. As discussed above the cross cultural communication act as the business issue because of the obstacles in dealing with the people of different culture, it has also been analyzed that being ethical with everyone is also not possible because every group have different values and they perceive things very differently. Anything that is positive for one culture can be ethically wrong for another (Padhi, 2016). This requires the professional to understand the ethics linked with the culture. This understanding and knowledge helps the professional to deal with the ethical issues and to come up with the mutual choice of communication that may reduce the conditions to unethical for any of the group. Cross cultural training to the managers can help the same to understand the culture of other people. For the companies which are involved or engaged in global operations, the relationship between the managers and the employees is very important. It has been identified that the employees who are more inclined towards nationality finds it difficult to understand the perception of the manager from other culture. The study suggests that teaching and training those employees to behave like each other can help in resolving the issues and can also lead to ethical communication between the same. What do you think the author meant by Recent economic challenges further highlight the need for organizations to develop the internal communication capacity necessary to control and monitor external threats? As far as this statement is considered, it has been analyzed that the focus of the author here is about technological development of the internal communication strategies of the company in order to have proper and effective interaction with the employees and the customers with different culture. The author argues that the society is getting global should implement some of these technological strategies in their company to communicate and interact effectively with the customers all over the globe. The external threats in the statement are about the market situations and the changing customer needs. It is required by the companies to develop their internal portal and increase their range so that they can cater the market all over the globe as per their needs and choices. Explain why 'cultural proficiency doesn't mean memorizing every cultural nuance of every market; it's knowing when to listen, when to ask for help, and whenfinallyto speak' It has been analyzed from the above statement that proficiency in cultural understanding is not about having the knowledge of each and every aspect of the culture but it is required by the organizations to know that at what point they have to listen to the market and serve them. It has been analyzed that the customers with different cultural background may have similar or different choices. Thus, it is not possible for the companies to grab every aspect of the culture of every customer. At this point of time, the organizations need to develop the capability to listen and serve the audience in a way that help the company to target more and more customers in one go. The company should know when to target which customers and with which strategy. The businesses need to understand about the communication techniques that can be used to communicate with employees and the customers effectively that also help in fulfilling the objectives of the company and the value to the shareholders. The author argues that 'Focus should be placed on using individual differences'. Why do you think this approach might be more effective than promoting cultural adaptation? When a company operates in different countries, the management of the firm has to deal with different types of employees and customers. It has been analyzed that if the employees in the company have different culture, the managers find it difficult to keep the employees united. There can be many strategies to make the communication effective between them. The company provides training to the employees in order to adopt each other's culture and values. This strategy helps in bringing peace in the organization but these differences can be used as a benefit for the company in terms of developing innovation and better solution to the problems. This is because different cultural knowledge results in generation of many alternatives and thus the company may have options with variations (Padhi, 2016). This can be an innovative approach to accept the differences. Explain why 'Companies that are successful in communicating cross-culturally have a competitive advantage' (Genevieve, 2007). When the companies are effective and successfully making the cross cultural communication, there is the opportunity to keep their focus on some of the core activities and functions that benefits the organization. Otherwise, the companies have to spent their tie and expense on making the communication effective and this obstructed the focus of the company from the core activities. This is the biggest reason that effective cross cultural communication in the firm acts as the competitive advantage for the same. Communication is the very important part p business functions and if this is smooth in the organization then it leads to effective conduction of other business activities and functions. Compare and contrast the communication styles of your home country and Australia. How do they differ? Are there similarities? Nepal is my home country and this is the country with high context nature. There are several rules of communication that are followed by the people of Nepal as per their communication styles. There are several rules that need to be followed in Nepal by the people to communicate. Social status is the first thing that is being considered by the Nepali people when they greet each other. For more discussion, hofstede model of culture can be used to compare and analyze the culture if Nepal with Australia (Soares, Farhangmehr Shoham, 2007). Nepal Australia power distance The score is 65 that mean that the Nepal is the country where the power is distance is very high and it is the place where business has strict hierarchy. The country scores 35 in this section and suggests that there is no strict hierarchy in the organizations and the people remains on the same position and do not accept the positional differences. individualism The country score 30 in this. This suggests that the people in Nepal believes in collectivism and work as a team. The country scores 90 in this section and this identifies that the people in Australia works for themselves and team work and benefits are not that much entertained. masculinity The country scores 40 in this section. It has been analyzed that the people in Nepal are more into feminism side means they work and live their life simultaneously. Scoring of 61 suggest that the people are competition driven and can compromise with their personal lives for work. uncertainty avoidance Scoring 40 in this section suggests that the people in Nepal accepts the changes and new ideas and take risks. Score of 51 suggests that Australians also have the capability to take major risks gracefully and accept the new ideas easily. long term orientation In this part, Nepals scoring is not confirmed because it is not consistent for all. The country scores 21 in this section and thus it can analyzed that the companies work for short term profits and not for long term gains. indulgence scoring is 60 that means the indulgence in culture is high in Nepal (Bennett, 2008). This county score 71 that mean the people are highly indulgent and optimistic in nature (Fiske, Hodge Turner, 2016). The overall analysis suggests that Nepal has some differences and some similarities with the culture and the communication style of Australia. As per the above analysis, it has been identified that the nature of communication in the business of Nepal must be formal as compared to Australia because it has more strict hierarchal structure of the companies than Australia. However formal communication does not mean that they are not collective in nature. Nepal scores less in this section which clearly determines that people are collective and work for each other rather than themselves unlike Australia (Khadka, 2013). As far as communication is considered Nepalese have indirect communication styles so that they can avoid confrontations. They say yes to show acknowledgement and does not mean that they are agree to the point. Australia is the country with direct communication style. They are blunt and clear in their conversation that might hurt the sentiments of Nepalese. Give an example of how one of the differences that you have identified might lead to misunderstanding. How could this have a negative effect on business? As discussed that Australians are very much direct in nature and can be blunt sometimes while Nepalese believes in indirect communication and avoid confrontation thus direct communication by the Australian may hurt the sentiments of Nepalese or they may feel insulted if criticized by any of the Australian so directly. Another thing is that Nepalese say yes to show their acknowledgement but Australian might take it as an agreement from their side but actually it is not. this can have a great effect of businesses because if any Australian manager is talking and making communication with the employee who belongs to Nepal than he may say yes to every sentence even if he is not agree with the same but the Australian manager will perceive his yes as an agreement. Why might The obsession to overemphasize the differences between different cultures may result in stereotypes being conceived and such perceived notions may prove to be a hindrance in communicating with people? When the cultural differences between the people or the group of people are exaggerated then this may develop the stereotypical behavior of the people. In order to bring unity, it is required to diminish those differences instead of making hype of the same. Generation of stereotypes amongst the behavior of the people is because the people who are so much attached with their nation and culture find it offensive to deal with other culture and always try to show their stereotyped behavior. This nature and behavior of the people result in restricted communication. This is because unity and diversity are the two aspects that are very difficult to be sustained at the same time. When a group of people having same cultural background show similar gestures then the other person perceive and stereotypes the other group and this stereotype is difficult to be accepted by the other people. So much focus on the cultural difference at the workplace results in making the people more concerned about their culture and this makes it very difficult to unite the people with different culture and also hinder their communication. Give examples of how Australians stereotype people from your country, and how people from your country stereotype Australians. Do you think these stereotypes are accurate? As far as Australia is considered, it has been analyzed that Australian considered short height as the stereotype for Nepalese. They think that all Nepalese are short heighted but this is not true in all the cases. Nepalese are believed to be very patient by Australians but this is also the individual trait that may or may not be true for the person. As far as Nepalese are considered, they think that al Australians have good sense of humor which is accurate to an extent. The conversation with the Australia is always full with slangs and they may differ with age. This is a stereotype thing of Nepalese for Australians. References: Bennett, L. (2008). Policy reform and culture change: Contesting gender, caste, and ethnic exclusion in Nepal.INCLUSIVE STATES,197. Fiske, J., Hodge, B., Turner, G. (2016).Myths of Oz: reading Australian popular culture. Routledge. Khadka, S. (2013). Reformulating the Notion of Intercultural Communication Style within a Rhetorical Frame.Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal,6, 1-16. Padhi, P. (2016). The Rising Importance of Cross Cultural Communication in Global Business Scenario.Journal Of Research In Humanities And Social Science 4,4(1), 20-26. Soares, A. M., Farhangmehr, M., Shoham, A. (2007). Hofstede's dimensions of culture in international marketing studies.Journal of business research,60(3), 277-284.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Vasquez 1 Essays - Political Philosophy, Law, Politics,

Vasquez 1 Keydy Vasquez Cerrato Mrs.Pimental U.S History 06 November 2015 How Did the Constitution Guard Against Tyranny? Tyranny can come in the form of many people taking control of other people. Also as king inheriting the throne but not following the laws that were previously proposed. In 1787 the rich white and powerful men of America came together to write the Constitution, in order to protect the people. How did the Constitution guard against one taking too much power over others? The Constitution guarded against tyranny in the following 4 ways federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances and the compromise between the highly populated states and the lesser populated states. Federalism is the idea of some power given to the federal government and some power to the states. But the central government and states able to borrow money, set up courts, enforce laws and tax. The federal government has the power to regulate trade and declare war. While the states have the power to establish schools and pass marriage laws (Doc A). Federalism guards against tyranny by distributing power between both central government and the states to keep tyranny away. Vasquez 2 The purpose of separation of powers is to create three separate branches to distribute power . The people have the power to vote for their representatives. The 3 branches are legislative, executive and judicial. The legislative branch makes laws. The executive enforces those laws. And the judicial branch interprets those laws made by the other branches (Doc B). The separation of powers guards against tyranny by allowing us to vote for our representatives to help us make our country better. But checks and balances guards one from taking too much power over the others by making sure that not one branch has more power than the other 2 branches. They do it by checking each others work. The legislative branch checks the chief executive by approving his nominations. While the president checks the Supreme Court by nominating the judges. Then the Supreme Court checks the Senate by being able to declare laws constitutional (Doc C). By having checks and balances available not one branch has more than the rest meaning it guards against tyranny. The Great Compromise guards against tyranny by preventing large states from outvoting small states because at least now each state has an equal amount or represen tatives in one house. The House of Representatives all depends o n the population of each state. But the Senate House has no more than 2 senators no matter the size of the state population. This compromise guards against tyranny allowing the states to have a fair amount of representatives that will give them a voice in their problems. Preventing tyranny from happening in their country. Vasquez 3 These four reasons guard against tyranny from taking over their country because they already fought a long war to get away from that place. Th e rich white men helped make our government better by adding federalism separation of powers, checks and balances, and the Great Compromise and allowing them to recreate our government for the greater good.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

I have who has Grade 3 Essays - Elementary Arithmetic, Fraction

I have who has Grade 3 Essays - Elementary Arithmetic, Fraction I have who has Grade 3 Emilee Spence, Hannah Turner, and Kayla Cardwell Standards: Multiply and divide within 100. 7. Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 5 = 40, one knows 40 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. 8. Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding. Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. 2. Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. 3. Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 1090 (e.g., 9 80, 5 60) using strategies based on place value and properties of operations. Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. 1. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. 3. Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. a. Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same point on a number line. b. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3). Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. c. Express whole numbers as fractions, and recognize fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers. Examples: Express 3 in the form 3 = 3/1; recognize that 6/1 = 6; locate 4/4 and 1 at the same point of a number line diagram. d. Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or I have 7 Who has 3 x 4 = ?I have 12 Who has 40 5 = ? I have 8 Who has 5 x 50 = ? I have 250 Who has the reduced fraction of 2/4? I have 1/2 is the reduced fraction Who has 100 2 = ?I have 50 Who has the fraction to represent the shaded area ? I have is the shaded area Who has 8 4 = ?I have 2 Who has 5 x 8 = ? I have 40 Who has the fraction to represent the shaded area ?I have Who has 9 x 0 = ? I have 0 Who has the reduced fraction of 2/2?I have 1 Who has 60 2 = ? I have 30 Who has 2 x 3 = ?I have 6 Who has 3 x 11 = ? I have 33 Who has =, , or > 2/4?I have = 2/4 Who has 100 4 = ? I have 25 Who has 8 x = 40?I have 5 Who has x 9 = 72? I have 8 Who has 141 + 127 = ?I have 268 Who has 35 x 5 = ? I have 175 Who has 28 4 = ?I have 7 Who has =, , or > 2/3? I have > 2/3 Who has 368 241 = ? I have 127 Who has 9 x 9 = ? I have 81 Who has the fraction of the shaded area ?I have 3/7 Who has 6 x 6 = ? I have 36 Who has 50 2 = ?I have 25 Who has the fraction of the shaded area ? I have Who has 8 x 5 = ?I have 40 Who has 200 + = 800 I have 600 Who has 2/2 is =, , or > 1I have 2/2 = 1 Who has 620 420 = ? I have 200 Who has 5 x 60 = ?I have 300 Who has the fraction of the shaded area ? I have 2/6 Who has if a pizza was divided into 10 equal slices and someone ate 6, what would be the fraction of the leftover pizza? I have 4/10 Who has 999 887 = ? I have 112 Who has 9 x 10 = ?I have 90 Who has is 2/3 is

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethics (9 topics total Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Ethics (9 topics total - Essay Example Involuntary euthanasia refers to putting a person to death without obtaining or seeking the patient’s consent; ethically, this action is equivalent to a murder. Abortion is the process of terminating pregnancy by removing the growing fetus from the womb of a mother, which is also equivalent to ending human life. Many cultures around the world treat abortion as unethical, immoral and illegal even if it is done to avoid the growth of babies with genetic deformities. Yet, most parents opt for abortion of fetuses with abnormalities. Aborting the fetus becomes necessary in case of severe damage due to injury or any other cause; in case of abnormal growth of the embryo, which could be harmful for the mother, abortion becomes inevitable. However, abortion has received its notion as unethical action because of intentional abortion decisions taken by parents, mothers and other family members due to various other reasons such as pregnancy out of wedlock, unwanted pregnancy, early or lat e pregnancy and even due to pregnancy caused by failed contraception. For these reasons, the fetus may or may not be healthy and normal. From ethics perspective, euthanasia and abortion have attracted much debate from religious and spiritual sides, human rights activists, sociologists, and even medical professionals. In recent debate over euthanasia and abortion, sparked by Ironside who suggested euthanasia for disabled and grieving children and abortion for preventing the birth of an unwanted child or inherently disabled child (Williams, 1). Although Ironside’s advocacy for euthanasia and abortion seem the right choice in such situations, yet people do not dare to take such stand due to the ethical and moral obligations attached with human life and due to pressure from the religious, spiritual and other groups. Abortion is considered legal in most Western and some eastern countries in case of an abnormal fetus; but euthanasia is opted by very few nations. In most of the East ern nations, euthanasia is treated as strictly illegal irrespective of the patient’s condition. The argument is that ending life cannot be a solution to all sufferings; hence, euthanasia and/or abortion do not fit into the choices of humanity but only as inhuman act against fellow human beings. However, from health of the mother and wellbeing of families’ perspective, these choices seem to be, but not confirmed, ultimate answers. Works cited Feinberg, John S and Paul D Feinberg. Ethics for a Brave New World. 2nd ed. Illinois, Crossway, 2010. Williams, Zoe. Abortion and euthanasia: was Virginia Ironside right? The Guardian. 5 October 2010. Web. 28 March 2012. 2. Sexual morality Sexuality is considered as something vulgar when demonstrated or spoken about in public despite it being a natural biological process associated with growth. Ethics associated with sexuality in reality are direct ed towards sexual behavior, its constraints, and matters of approval. Sexual behavior is common in every human being, but individuals are expected to express sexual desires only with their approved partners; any