Monday, February 24, 2020

Disney Romance Fantasy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Disney Romance Fantasy - Essay Example The story unfolds to introduce an antagonistic force and a protagonist that conflict each other where violence can be the ultimate solution to solve the problem. However, diplomatic and peaceful negotiations employment as a means of solving the problem is usually another characteristic. The stories of Beauty and the beast and the Beast and Wall-E culminates within the aspects of Fantasy fiction whereby they teach certain moral values, discuss certain problems facing society thereby demonstrating the aspect of the struggle to achieve something greater as is the case with romantic fantasy films. In Beauty and the Beast, the Beast is on a quest to find true love that will break his curse after a fairy hexed him. He takes a great care of his roses that are a way of wooing his lover to be as is the case with Romantic films fantasy films. This is a story of unconditional love and offers great teachings to children and the society, about seeing people for who they are as people and not what they look like. It is especially great for child development as it gives them a standard of living in life. Aspects of magic are also common features in romantic films and Beauty and the Beast does not disappoint in delivering this as the enchanted mirror and the ring that allows automatic transport to the castle is magical aspects of the movie. These occurrences are what bring in the aspect of fantasy as in real life they do not exist. The aspect of romance is used to give them a friendly outlook and an entertaining theme.... In WALL-E, the story also employs fantasy and romance whereby, the story is of a robot who meets another robot of very different personality and task, but they fall in love just the same. The problem that is facing society in this film is that of environmental degradation and therefore the society seeks to find a better habitat for the human race. The presence of protagonists and antagonists is evident in this film as Autopilot plays the role of the antagonists who is trying to prevent the return of the human race to earth. The magical or science fiction aspects of this movie are the teleporting hyper-jump feature of the space ship, Axiom. In both films, a story of love exists, a problem in society is addressed, and the aspect of happy ever after is executed. Question 2 There exists linearity in the narrative between Beauty and the Beast and Wall-E. The aspect of love at first is very evident in both story lines. In most films, characters fall in love within minutes, often without ev en conversing (Tanner, Haddock, Schindler Zimmerman, and Lund, 2003). In both films, the love happens between two people of different personalities and physical outlook, but they fall in love just the same. In WALL-E, when Eve gets deployed from outer space to look for signs of life, Wall-E admires her, becomes drawn to her despite her harsh treatment at first and eventually woos her to love him the same way. In Beauty and the Beast, despite lack of knowledge of Belle’s behavior and character, the Beast accepts her into his home, feeds Belle, dresses her with the most expensive gifts and out-rightly falls in love with her. Belle however, appreciates the Beasts actions, cares for him and sees Beast as a friend; however, the plot gets twisted when she fails to

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Company Analysis for Yahoo Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Company Analysis for Yahoo - Research Paper Example Basically, Yahoo was only accessible by the two engineering students but because they had created a web interface that had allowed other people to access to their guide and because of apparent knowledge of Yahoo and its existence in lieu of the word of mouth and electronic mail, more people began using their web site and because of Yahoo's strong as well as positive impact to the people and the society amicably, Yahoo has a complex environment. Due to this complexity, the department is considering all the factors that affect its task environments. Some factors such as political-legal and economic climates are encouraging to the growth of the department. However, the sociocultural climate is posing a challenge. Nevertheless, Yahoo is generally having a stable environment. The political-legal climate of corporations globally has been generally encouraging. This is especially for yahoo in which it reciprocates the government's trust on the company by sharing 30 percent of its shares to the government. Likewise, the economic climate globally has seen the growth of systems of wealth production, distribution and consumption. However, inflations and recessions affect the operation of Yahoo. These are the factors over which we have little control. The sociocultural climate represents the attitudes, values, norms, beliefs, behaviours and associated demographic characteristics of the population within which an organisation operates (Daft 1997, p. 78). In operating and managing Yahoo applications that support users, we have to consider our customers' values and beliefs. To do this we conduct studies to identify the concerns of our customers. The technological climate includes scientific and technological advancements in the production of goods and services (Dahlgren and Whitehead, 1991). Technology for Yahoo is of particular importance because it has been and continues to be the main source of increases in productivity, which means it can either provide a competitive advantage to organisations that can use it effectively, or pose a threat to those that lack it. To remain competitive therefore, it is important that we need to understand current technology developments affecting their ability to offer desirable products and services. The pace of change in that industry, of course, is accelerating, and its scope and impact are widening. Spectators of the technology can trace that change from the earliest antecedents of Yahoo, to the most recent developments. Spectators can also scan the entire Yahoo continuum from the 19th century to the 21st or pinpoint, year by year or decade by decade, but the focus of this paper will only be from 1998 to 2003. These are the years and key events that have led to the Yahoo of today and it has shown through the use of the company's corporate strategy. It is said that people are living through an era in which organizations